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Chiefs sign punter Matt Araiza dropped from lawsuit in December after alleged rape

San Diego State punter Matt Araiza, dropped from rape lawsuit, signs with Kansas City Chiefs, thrilled to continue NFL career.

The Kansas City Chiefs have made a major move by signing punter Matt Araiza, who was previously involved in a lawsuit regarding allegations of sexual assault. The signing was announced by Araiza's agent, Joe Linta, and confirmed shortly after by the team. Araiza expressed his excitement and gratitude for the opportunity to continue his NFL career with the Super Bowl champions, thanking his family and friends for their unwavering support.

Araiza gained recognition as the "Punt God" during his time at San Diego State, where he earned All-America honors and helped the Aztecs achieve a school-best 12-2 record in his senior season. Despite being drafted by the Buffalo Bills in 2022, he was released from the team following the allegations made against him.

The lawsuit, filed by a woman who claimed she was raped by San Diego State football players in 2021, alleged that Araiza had engaged in sexual activity with her at an off-campus party when she was 17 years old. Araiza has consistently denied these allegations, stating that he was not present at the party when the alleged assault took place.

Following a thorough investigation, the San Diego County District Attorney's Office announced in December that it would not pursue criminal charges against Araiza, citing evidence that he was not present at the party when the alleged incident occurred. The woman agreed to dismiss Araiza from the lawsuit, and he in turn dismissed a defamation countersuit against her.

Araiza's legal team emphasized the toll that the false accusations had taken on his career and personal life, expressing relief that the matter had finally been resolved. Despite previous interest from the New York Jets, Araiza did not sign with the team following the conclusion of the investigation.

Now, Araiza has the opportunity to join the Kansas City Chiefs, a team that has achieved back-to-back Super Bowl titles. With the impending free agency of first-team All-Pro punter Tommy Townsend, the Chiefs have made a strategic decision to sign Araiza, potentially saving money on salary cap space. This signing represents a significant opportunity for Araiza to continue his NFL career and contribute to a successful team.

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