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Boy Scouts name change sparks backlash: Destroyed by wokeness

Boy Scouts of America changes name to Scouting America, sparking anger and support on social media. Controversy over inclusivity ensues.

The recent announcement by the Boy Scouts of America to change their name to Scouting America has sparked a wide range of reactions on social media. While some users expressed anger and disappointment, others welcomed the change with open arms.

One user, @USBornNRaised, criticized the move, stating that the organization has been "destroyed by wokeness" and questioning if they will soon be wearing "little girl brownie uniforms." This sentiment was echoed by several others who felt that the traditional values of the Boy Scouts were being compromised.

On the other hand, there were users like @hartzell965, an Eagle Scout, who embraced the name change. They expressed their support for the decision, highlighting their love for the organization and its mission.

The Boy Scouts of America defended their decision, emphasizing their commitment to inclusivity and welcoming all youth and families. The organization stated that the name change reflects their dedication to providing the benefits of Scouting to everyone, regardless of gender.

Despite the mixed reactions, the President and CEO of Scouting America, Roger A. Krone, reassured that the mission of the organization remains the same. He emphasized the importance of teaching young people to be "Prepared. For Life," and highlighted the evolution of the organization to ensure that everyone feels welcome in Scouting.

While some users criticized the move as an unnecessary change, others saw it as a positive step towards inclusivity and progress. The debate continues on social media, with varying opinions on the impact of the name change on the future of the organization.

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