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Chivas Regal Podcast Spotlights Global Trailblazers' Success Stories

Discover how individuals embody the 'I Rise, We Rise' ethos in Chivas' new podcast featuring trailblazing forces in the Middle East.

Discover how the individuals showcased are embodying the powerful ethos of "I Rise, We Rise" through their inspiring journeys and accomplishments. Chivas has been at the forefront of promoting positive change and breaking down stereotypes, with a focus on uplifting pioneering individuals in communities worldwide. The latest venture, a podcast titled "Regals Blends and Beats," hosted by the multi-talented MKO, features a diverse group of creatives sharing their stories of success, challenges, and aspirations.

MKO, a singer-songwriter, art enthusiast, and presenter, has made a significant impact in the music industry with his AfroPop album "Diverse" and the creation of Art Fusion Night, a platform for artists of all disciplines to showcase their work. Now, he is using his platform to highlight emerging talent through the "Regals Blends and Beats" podcast and other campaigns in collaboration with Chivas.

DJ and producer SherryX, originally from Turkey, has become a prominent figure in Dubai's nightlife scene, captivating audiences with her contemporary tech house sets at clubs, yacht parties, and arena showcases. Her dynamic performances consistently draw in crowds and set the tone for unforgettable nights.

Monday Agono Matteyu, a model and fashion icon, has made waves in the industry with his work on high fashion runways and as Mr. Nigeria 2015. Collaborating with Dubai Fashion Week and prominent brands, he is dedicated to showcasing the region's vibrant creative landscape and pushing the boundaries of the Middle East's fashion industry.

Eric Akoa, a successful model and mentor, has leveraged his experience in the fashion industry to coach aspiring models through his online platform, Eric Fit Academy. By sharing his expertise in casting, confidence, and mastering the modeling process, he is empowering the next generation of talent to succeed in the competitive industry.

The premiere episode of "Regals Blends and Beats" podcast is scheduled for release on April 26, offering listeners a glimpse into the inspiring stories and journeys of these talented individuals. To learn more, visit Chivas' website and join in on the celebration of creativity, resilience, and community empowerment.

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