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Jeff Foxworthy Updates: Find Out What He's Doing Now

Blue Collar Comedy Tour quartet dominated comedy for years, leading to individual success for Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, and more.

For five long years, the comedy world was ruled by a dynamic quartet that took audiences by storm with their unexpected and wildly successful tour.

This quartet was none other than the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, featuring the comedic talents of Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White. Their tour ran for an impressive three years, skyrocketing each of their careers to new heights and gaining them a massive following of fans.

The tour was a game-changer for each of the comedians, who all found renewed success by tapping into relatable, working-class humor that resonated with audiences across the country. Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy, in particular, saw their careers take off after the tour, landing book deals, voice acting roles, and hosting gigs.

Despite the sudden disappearance of these comedy legends from the spotlight in recent years, Jeff Foxworthy has continued to work behind the scenes, contributing to various projects in a more limited capacity. Now in his 60s, Foxworthy has taken a step back from the limelight to enjoy a more low-key lifestyle.

In addition to his comedy career, Foxworthy has authored a total of 13 books, including two children's books, and has appeared in over 30 projects as a voice actor and occasional actor. His most recent television appearance was in 2022 on Netflix's The Good Old Days, and he is set to make a comeback in 2024 at the Eastern Idaho State Fair alongside other talented performers.

Fans can catch Jeff Foxworthy live at the fair, where he will share the stage with musicians like Craig Morgan, Matt Stell, and even the legendary band Journey. Tickets for the event go on sale on May 15 and can be purchased through the fair's official website. Get ready to laugh and enjoy a night of entertainment with one of comedy's greatest icons!

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