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Sequel News & Breaking Stories

  • 28th Jun 2024


"New SF-thriller prequel film follows unlikely trio navigating silent alien invasion in NYC. Compelling storyline and impressive performances. Shhhh... #AQuietPlace"

Who portrayed the original Beetlejuice
  • 25th May 2024

Who portrayed the original Beetlejuice

The mischievous ghost Beetlejuice returns in the upcoming sequel, with Michael Keaton reprising his iconic role alongside Winona Ryder.

Dune Prophecy Spinoff Trailer Released
  • 16th May 2024

Dune Prophecy Spinoff Trailer Released

Dune: Prophecy trailer reveals prequel drama with Bene Gesserit sisterhood. Long-awaited series premieres this fall, starring Emily Watson and Olivia Williams.

Shadow of the Erdtree New Land Gameranx
  • 21st Feb 2024

Shadow of the Erdtree New Land Gameranx

FromSoftware's Hidetaka Miyazaki offers insight into the Elden Ring DLC, revealing a new land and gameplay structure. Shadow of the Erdtree drops June 21, 2024.

What news can we find under Sequel News Section?

The Scoop on the Topic of Sequels Ever wondered what makes a sequel so appealing?

Many times, you might have left a movie theatre or closed a book thinking, "I wish there was more!" Isn't that feeling halfway between satisfaction and craving just captivating?Well, that's where sequels come in!

A 'Sequel', by definition, refers to any work of literature, film, theatre or music that continues the story or expands upon some aspect of an earlier work. It's like visiting an old friend with new stories – it brings about familiar comfort blended with novel excitement.

So what kind of news could we expect under this topic?

In the world spinning around 'Sequels', our news feed seems to be constantly buzzing. We hear announcements for upcoming films such as Marvel’s infinite universe expansion - isn’t it amazing how these narratives interweave? Then there are long-awaited video game sequels tantalizing gamers across the globe. Heck! Even music artists release sequel albums taking us for yet another lyrical ride through their creative minds.

If you're tracking literature sequels then brace yourself - authors often drop hints about plot twists and new characters waiting to step into your cherished fictional worlds! And don't get me started on TV shows – oof! Aren't those cliff-hangers designed brilliantly to warrant another season (or two)?

Ponder this… Why do we need sequels at all?

We could say that they thrive on our human tendency towards familiarity combined with curiosity. A well-done sequel can both nostalgically remind us of past joys while also pointing forward towards future adventures. In short: Who doesn’t love a good continuation story? So go ahead and immerse yourself in this fabulous world where every end could potentially lead to an exciting beginning!

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