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Gayle King showcases 25-pound weight loss on cover of SI Swimsuit Issue

Gayle King stuns on Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover after losing almost 30 pounds with WeightWatchers and a consistent workout routine.

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Gayle King, co-host of CBS Mornings, has achieved a remarkable feat by gracing the cover of the 2024 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. In a stunning chic, printed one-piece swimsuit and matching cover-up, Gayle proudly flaunted her toned arms, surprising even herself with this incredible accomplishment.

During a live segment on CBS Mornings, fellow cover stars Kate Upton and Hunter McGrady presented Gayle with her cover for the first time, leading to an ecstatic reaction from the journalist. Overwhelmed with joy, Gayle exclaimed, "I'm on the cover! They told me I was just going to be on the inside! It's not a dummy cover? This is going to be on the newsstands? Oh my God! Oh my God!"

Sharing the moment on Instagram, CBS Mornings captioned the post with, "SURPRISE: Our very own @gayleking is one of this year's @si_swimsuit's cover stars! Gayle reacts to seeing her cover for the very first time: 'I cannot get over it.'"

Fans flooded the comments section with congratulatory messages and admiration for Gayle's strong figure. Model Ashley Graham wrote, "Gayle!! You got your cover girl!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!" Others expressed their awe and inspiration, praising the diverse representation of women in the magazine.

This milestone for Gayle is a testament to her dedication to health and fitness, as she has been open about her weight loss journey over the years. In 2016, Gayle shared her achievement of shedding almost 30 pounds, emphasizing how good she felt about herself.

Drawing inspiration from her close friend Oprah Winfrey, who has also been vocal about her weight loss journey, Gayle embraced a fitness routine that includes an hour of exercise five to six days a week. Her regimen consists of 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill and 30 minutes of strength training, incorporating free weights and resistance bands to target different muscle groups.

Gayle's commitment to her workouts has paid off, as she has seen significant results in her physique and overall well-being. While she may not particularly enjoy exercising, Gayle recognizes the importance of staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In a world where weight loss medication is becoming more common, Oprah's openness about using such tools has sparked a conversation about the role of medication in managing weight. By sharing her own experiences, both Gayle and Oprah have highlighted the importance of finding what works best for individual health and well-being.

As Gayle continues to inspire others with her journey to health and fitness, her appearance on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit serves as a celebration of self-love, confidence, and perseverance. With her positive attitude and determination, Gayle King is a shining example of strength and resilience in the face of challenges.

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