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5 Major MCU Events Deadpool Wolverine

Deadpool and Wolverine may visit iconic MCU moments from Phase 1-4 in their upcoming movie, including battles from Endgame and Avengers.

Deadpool and Wolverine, the dynamic duo known for their multiversal shenanigans and head-blowing escapades, are set to embark on a thrilling journey through the iconic moments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) from Phase 1 to Phase 4. Recently, a description on hinted at this exciting crossover, only to mysteriously disappear later on. But fear not, as we delve into the 5 MCU events that Deadpool and Wolverine might just crash.

The first event that comes to mind is the epic fight sequence in the opening of Avengers: Age of Ultron. The teaser and trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine showcase a frosty forest setting reminiscent of this very scene, where Deadpool takes on soldiers in TVA colors. Could this be a clue to their involvement in this iconic moment?

Next up, fans are buzzing with speculation that Deadpool and Wolverine will make a grand entrance during the final battle of Avengers: Endgame. A fan-made trailer further fueled this theory, especially when we see them leaping into a portal similar to Doctor Strange's teleportation magic. Could they be the reinforcements called in through one of the many portals that opened up during the climactic battle?

But wait, there's more! A leaked clip from CinemaCon 2024 hints at Thor mourning over Deadpool's body instead of Loki's, teasing a possible appearance of Chris Hemsworth's Thor in Deadpool and Wolverine. Could this be Doctor Strange's doing, as hinted in the clip? The possibilities are endless in this soft reboot of the Marvel Universe.

As we ponder the potential twists and turns of Deadpool and Wolverine's journey, we can't help but imagine them popping up during the Battle of New York in Avengers (2012). This pivotal moment in MCU history could see our favorite anti-heroes turning the tide in unexpected ways, reshaping the very fabric of the Marvel universe.

And let's not forget the subtle hints that point towards Deadpool crashing the ship fight scene in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. From the familiar BGM to Deadpool's admiration for Captain America, all signs seem to point towards their involvement in this thrilling event.

With all these exciting possibilities on the horizon, it's clear that Deadpool and Wolverine are set to shake things up in the MCU like never before. What other surprises await us in this epic crossover? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let the speculation run wild!

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