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Survivor Finale Recap: Spoiler's Nail-Biter Win & Every Record Set This Season

Survivor Season 46 finale saw Kenzie emerge as the winner, breaking records and setting new standards in a chaotic season.

Survivor Season 46 was a whirlwind of record-breaking moments and shocking twists, culminating in a winner that no one saw coming. Despite the dominance of the Nami tribe in the early stages of the season, it was ultimately two former Sigas and one Yanu who made it to the final three. The journey of the Yanu player to the end after a rocky start was nothing short of captivating television.

The finale of Survivor 46 was packed with drama, with Maria narrowly missing out on her fourth individual immunity win. A strategic move by Kenzie, Ben, Liz, and Charlie ensured that Maria's chances were dashed, leading to an intense elimination. Ben, known for his social game, clinched his first immunity win and secured a spot in the final three alongside Charlie. The fire-making challenge that followed was intense, with Kenzie ultimately coming out on top and securing her place in the final vote.

The jury pitches and deliberation that followed were a rollercoaster of emotions, with Charlie and Kenzie going head-to-head in a tight race for the title of Sole Survivor. Despite the odds stacked against him, Ben made a compelling case for himself, showcasing his strategic gameplay throughout the season. In the end, Kenzie emerged victorious in a 5-3 vote, cementing her place in Survivor history.

Survivor Season 46 was not without its share of memorable moments and record-breaking achievements. From the most players eliminated with idols in their pockets to the longest time without flint, the cast of Survivor 46 left a lasting impact on the game. As we eagerly await the post-season interviews and reflections, one thing is certain - Survivor Season 46 will go down in history as one of the most unpredictable and chaotic seasons to date.

Tune in to TV Insider for an exclusive interview with Kenzie, the deserving winner of Survivor Season 46!

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