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US Election 2024: Nikki Haley confirms voting for Donald Trump in November

Former GOP candidate Nikki Haley endorses Trump over Biden, emphasizing the need for a president who prioritizes allies, borders, capitalism, and freedom.

Former Republican Party presidential candidate Nikki Haley announced her support for former US President Donald Trump over current President Joe Biden in the upcoming election. Speaking at the Hudson Institute, Haley emphasized the importance of a president who prioritizes holding enemies accountable, securing the country's border, supporting capitalism and freedom, and reducing debt.

While acknowledging that Trump has not been perfect on these policies, Haley criticized Biden as a "catastrophe" and stated her intention to vote for Trump. Despite dropping out of the GOP presidential candidate contest earlier this year, Haley continues to hold a significant presence in Republican primary results, with strong showings in states like Maryland, Nebraska, Indiana, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.

Trump dismissed Haley's support base, confident that her voters would ultimately back him in the general election against Biden. Biden, on the other hand, extended an open invitation to Haley's supporters, emphasizing that there is a place for them in his campaign. Haley's recent appointment as the Walter P Stern chair at the Hudson Institute further solidifies her position in the political landscape, fueling speculation about a potential run in the 2028 GOP presidential primary.

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