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Whiny Clement sums rotten Rangers as Hotline pounces on broken bluenose

Scottish Cup Final drama as Celtic secure a double, leaving Rangers fans disappointed. Controversy over refereeing decisions sparks heated debate.

The dust has finally settled on the Scottish Cup Final, marking the end of another season filled with twists and turns. Celtic fans are basking in the glory of a double win, while Rangers supporters are left sifting through the ashes of a season that fell short of their treble aspirations.

Henry McCoy expressed his disappointment in an email, highlighting the need for Philippe Clement and the Rangers board to step up. He pointed out the lack of heading ability in the team, leading to missed opportunities from numerous corners throughout the season. Drew Ferguson echoed similar sentiments, criticizing the team's inability to finish games and calling out individual players for their lackluster performances.

Jim McClean called for Clement to take responsibility for the team's shortcomings, urging him to stop blaming referees, VAR, and injuries. Scott McAdam dismissed Clement's excuses, emphasizing the importance of results over rhetoric. Jack Armstrong humorously noted Cyriel Dessers' understanding of Rangers' motto, "just wait til next season," highlighting the team's perpetual optimism despite setbacks.

Sean McGarvey added a touch of humor, mentioning the saltiness in Govan following the Cup Final loss. The contentious refereeing decisions in the Old Firm match sparked debate among fans, with Joe Graham criticizing the officials' performance and VAR intervention. Willie Mercer pointed out inconsistencies in refereeing decisions, questioning the lack of intervention in certain incidents.

John Scott defended the referees' decisions, highlighting the consistency in their calls and the limitations of VAR. Tam Williamson raised concerns about potential biases in refereeing decisions, citing examples where he believed Rangers were unfairly treated. The aftermath of the Cup Final continues to stir up emotions and discussions among fans on both sides of the Old Firm rivalry.

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