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Farm Valley View tornado destroyed community clean up

EF-2 tornado destroys farm in minutes, leaving couple mourning loss of animals. Community rallies to support them. GoFundMe launched.

Nearly two decades of blood, sweat, and tears poured into their land were wiped away in a matter of minutes when a powerful EF-2 tornado tore through, leaving devastation in its wake.

Todd and Lisa found themselves huddled in their bathroom with their beloved dog Bailey as the tornado wreaked havoc on their property. The pressure in the air intensified, the water in the sink and toilet gurgled, and the house shook violently as the roof was ripped off.

In the midst of the chaos, Lisa's prayers for safety were fervent and unceasing, as she called out to Jesus for protection. Their lives were spared, but the loss of their dog Reggie, Todd's horse Colonel, and numerous livestock weighs heavily on their hearts.

Despite the destruction, the Smiths have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from their community. Friends and loyal customers have rallied around them, helping to clear debris and salvage what little remains.

As they face the daunting task of rebuilding their farm from the ground up, the Smiths are grateful for the assistance they have received. However, their immediate needs for feed for their animals and storage space for machinery remain a pressing concern.

The road ahead is uncertain, but the Smiths are determined to persevere. The future of Smith's Farms hangs in the balance, but with the support of their community and the strength of their faith, they are hopeful for what lies ahead.

In the face of adversity, the Smiths remain resilient and grateful for the kindness and generosity of those around them. Their journey to recovery will be long and challenging, but with faith as their guide, they are confident that they will emerge stronger than ever before.

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