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Know about Donald Trump's conviction in hush money trial

Former President Donald Trump convicted on 34 felony counts in historic hush money trial, faces potential prison sentence and three more criminal cases.

Donald Trump's recent conviction on 34 felony counts following a historic hush money trial in New York marks a significant turning point in the former president's legal battles. Despite this verdict, the legal saga is far from over as sentencing looms, potential appeals await, and Trump faces additional criminal cases while navigating a presidential campaign.

The Manhattan jury's decision, reached after over nine hours of deliberation, found Trump guilty of falsifying business records related to a hush money payment to Stormy Daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign. Trump vehemently denied any wrongdoing, labeling the trial as a "disgrace" and asserting his innocence.

The looming question now is the possibility of prison time for Trump. The charge of falsifying business records in New York is a Class E felony, carrying a maximum sentence of four years. The sentencing, scheduled for July 11, just days before the Republican nomination, leaves uncertainty about whether Trump will face incarceration. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has not disclosed whether prosecutors will seek prison time, adding to the ambiguity surrounding the outcome.

Considering the political implications of imprisoning a former president running for office again, the judge's decision on sentencing remains a pivotal factor. Trump's legal team may explore avenues for appeal, challenging the judge's impartiality and other trial rulings. The defense's strategy, centered on discrediting key witnesses like Michael Cohen, failed to sway the jury, underscoring the challenges ahead for Trump in his legal battles.

The conviction's impact on Trump's presidential aspirations remains uncertain. Despite the guilty verdict, Trump's campaign continues, with his daughter-in-law suggesting virtual rallies and events in case of home confinement. The divisive political landscape in America complicates the potential fallout from Trump's criminal conviction, with polling data showing mixed reactions among his supporters.

As Trump faces the prospect of a prison sentence and ongoing legal battles, the Republican Party appears to be rallying behind him, with a surge in fundraising reported post-verdict. The road ahead for Trump is fraught with legal uncertainties, potential appeals, and the looming shadow of a criminal conviction as he navigates a turbulent political landscape in his quest to return to the White House.

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