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NBC News Reporter Blown Away Trump Black Latino Support Bronx Rally

Immigrants at Trump rally in the Bronx support his immigration policies and find Biden's rhetoric offensive, according to NBC News.

NBC News reporter Dasha Burns had a surprising experience while interviewing Black and Latino supporters at former President Donald Trump's campaign rally in the Bronx. She expressed her disbelief to host Ana Cabrera about immigrants backing Trump and his immigration policies.

Despite initial assumptions, Burns found that many immigrants in the crowd, particularly from the Dominican Republic, supported Trump's message on immigration. These immigrants emphasized that they had come to the United States legally and felt neglected by the city in comparison to other immigrants being taken care of.

The rally was attended by a diverse group, including black and Latino voters from the Bronx who expressed frustration with rising costs of living, border issues, and perceived offensive rhetoric from President Biden towards minority voters. Burns shared clips of her interviews with Trump supporters at the rally, highlighting their unwavering support for the former president despite legal troubles and controversial statements.

In her analysis, Burns noted that many of the voters she spoke to were unfazed by Trump's rhetoric, choosing to focus on his actions and promises for their community. The economy and pocketbook issues were top priorities for these supporters, outweighing concerns about Trump's past statements.

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