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IRS sues Ohio doctor over COVID-19 vaccination views

Ohio doctor Sherri Tenpenny sued by federal government for nearly $650,000 in unpaid taxes, known for false COVID-19 vaccine claims.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, an Ohio doctor who gained notoriety for her controversial claims about COVID-19 vaccines, is now facing a lawsuit from the federal government for allegedly failing to pay nearly $650,000 in federal taxes and late fees. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Cleveland, alleges that Tenpenny did not pay taxes in 2001, 2012, and 2013.

Tenpenny, an osteopathic doctor licensed in Ohio since 1984, has stated that she has attempted to resolve the dispute with the IRS multiple times. She believes that she is being unfairly targeted and harassed by the government, claiming that they have been pursuing her for 23 years.

According to the lawsuit, Tenpenny owes a total of $646,929, with the majority of the amount being late fees and penalties. Despite setting up payment plans, she allegedly failed to fully pay her taxes for the specified years.

In addition to her tax issues, Tenpenny made headlines for her controversial statements about COVID-19 vaccines, including claims that they caused recipients to become magnetic and interfered with women's menstrual cycles. These statements led to approximately 350 complaints being filed against her with the medical board.

Following an investigation, Tenpenny's medical license was temporarily suspended in August 2023 for failing to cooperate. Despite her refusal to meet with investigators or comply with a subpoena, her license was reinstated in April 2024 after she paid a fine and met the board's requirements.

The case of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of making false or misleading medical statements and the importance of complying with legal obligations, even in the face of controversy.

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