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Furious Democrats Ask Capitol Police to Kick Woman Out of Fauci Hearing - Take Your Starbucks with You

House hearing on COVID-19 pandemic turns chaotic as members vent emotions. Woman removed for interrupting, Rep. criticizes Fauci's handling of pandemic.

Monday's House hearing on the COVID-19 pandemic took a heated turn as emotions ran high among spectators and members of Congress. The tension escalated when a woman in the audience repeatedly interrupted Democratic Rep. Robert Garcia of California as he questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci, the key figure in the COVID-19 response during both the Trump and Biden administrations.

Capitol police were called to remove the disruptive woman from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing, with Garcia's parting words of "Take your Starbucks with you" echoing in the room. Meanwhile, panel chair Republican Rep. Brad Wenstrup of Ohio used his opening statement to criticize Fauci's handling of the pandemic.

Wenstrup accused Fauci of silencing and shaming Americans who questioned or debated issues like social distancing, masks, vaccines, and the origins of COVID-19. He criticized Fauci for promoting a single narrative without allowing for open debate and discussion based on scientific data.

The Republican congressman emphasized that science does not belong to any one person and should be open to scrutiny and verification through irrefutable facts. He pointed out that some policy decisions, such as the 6-foot social distancing rule, lacked sufficient scientific support and were implemented without proper debate.

Wenstrup highlighted the invasive domestic policies overseen by Fauci, including mask mandates, school closures, coerced vaccinations, and social distancing measures. He argued that Fauci's power and influence led to the censorship of dissenting opinions, creating a climate of fear and anger among Americans.

In conclusion, Wenstrup emphasized the importance of education and informed decision-making in healthcare, urging for a more transparent and collaborative approach between health officials and the public. He called for accountability and respect for individual freedoms in the face of public health crises, stressing the need for trust and open dialogue in shaping policies that affect the well-being of all Americans.

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