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Hunter Biden Delaware Trial Day 2: Day Gone Want Ride

Delaware trial of Hunter Biden is underway. Jury selection complete, prosecution lays out evidence of drug use and deception. Drama unfolds.

The Delaware trial of First Son Hunter Biden is progressing rapidly, with jury selection completed and the jury empaneled on Monday. Townhall's Mia Cathell provided updates on the selected jurors, offering a detailed breakdown of each individual. The jurors, including alternates, were carefully chosen, with observations suggesting a potential advantage for the defense team over the prosecution.

As the trial unfolded on Tuesday, Juror #16 was excused due to financial constraints, leading to the promotion of an alternate to take her place. Opening statements were presented by both the prosecution, led by Derek Hines, and the defense, represented by Abbe Lowell. Hines outlined the case against Hunter, citing evidence from various sources, including Hunter's own admissions in his memoir. Lowell, drawing on his experience representing high-profile clients, argued that Hunter did not knowingly deceive on a federal form.

The prosecution called FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen to testify, presenting evidence gathered from Hunter's electronic devices, including the infamous laptop left at a repair shop. Jensen detailed text messages and photos related to Hunter's addiction, highlighting exchanges with drug dealers and his denial of drug use on a background check form. Lowell's cross-examination focused on the timing of the text messages and periods when Hunter was not using drugs, suggesting a more nuanced view of his behavior.

The day concluded with an unexpected incident involving Hunter's wife, Melissa, and a former Trump aide, adding a touch of drama to the proceedings. The trial is set to continue with further examination of witnesses and evidence, promising a complex and compelling legal battle ahead.

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