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Mabey Bridge Acrow Company Acrow long-span Delta installed replace ageing structure South Lanarkshire Scotland

Acrow installs new Mabey Delta bridge in Scotland to replace aging Clyde River Bridge, connecting communities with durable, cost-effective solution.

Acrow, a renowned international bridge engineering and supply company, proudly announced the successful installation of one of its innovative Mabey Delta structures in South Lanarkshire, Scotland. This installation marked the replacement of the aging Clyde River Bridge, which was originally constructed in 1912 as a pioneering example of reinforced concrete bridge construction in Scotland. Over the years, the bridge had been subject to a three-tonne weight limit until structural defects were discovered during a routine inspection in 2018, leading to its closure to all traffic.

The contract to construct the new bridge was awarded to Eric Wright Civil Engineering by South Lanarkshire Council in November 2022. Subsequently, Acrow Global Limited, trading as Mabey Bridge, was tasked with manufacturing and installing the steel superstructure. The resulting bridge is a 90-meter single-span Mabey Delta structure featuring a 4.2-meter-wide carriageway and an internal footwalk, providing a modern and durable solution for the community.

The Mabey Delta system utilized for this project is a prefabricated modular bridging system designed for long-spanning permanent applications on main highways or in rural areas. It is characterized by standardized, interchangeable steel components with full highway loading capability, offering a lightweight and versatile steel bridging solution that can be tailored for various applications.

Configured to Eurocode standards, the Mabey Delta bridge now serves as a vital link between Carstairs and neighboring villages and towns south of the river, enhancing connectivity and accessibility for the local residents. The bridge was officially opened on April 22, 2024, marking a significant milestone in the infrastructure development of the region.

Michael Treacy, CEO of Acrow Global Limited, expressed his satisfaction with the selection of their modular steel bridging solution for this project, emphasizing the durability, cost-effectiveness, and long-term benefits it offers to the community. The high-quality steel construction and hot-dip galvanization ensure a low-maintenance service life, contributing to the longevity of the bridge and its positive impact on the community for years to come.

Gavin Hulme, Operations Director at Eric Wright Civil Engineering, commended the collaborative efforts of all parties involved in delivering the replacement bridge over the river Clyde within a tight timeframe. The successful completion of this technically demanding project reflects the dedication and expertise of the teams working together to provide essential infrastructure for the community.

Acrow has been a trusted provider of modular steel bridging solutions for over 70 years, serving diverse industries such as transportation, construction, military, and emergency response. With a global presence spanning over 150 countries, Acrow has established itself as a leader in bridge infrastructure projects across continents, demonstrating a commitment to innovation and excellence in engineering.

For media inquiries, please contact Tracy Van Buskirk at Marketcom PR.

(Image source: [Link to the photo])

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