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Major Partnership Launches Earthquake Insurance Facilities | ExBulletin

Emerald Bay and Arrowhead partner to launch earthquake insurance facility, targeting companies in seismic zones like California and the Pacific Northwest.

Emerald Bay Risk Solutions has teamed up with Arrowhead, a prominent general insurance agency in the US, to introduce a groundbreaking commercial earthquake insurance facility named Arrowhead EQ DIC. This innovative venture is specifically tailored to offer difference-in-conditions (DIC) insurance policies to medium and large businesses located in earthquake-prone areas like California and the Pacific Northwest.

The Arrowhead EQ DIC facility will leverage over $250 million in capacity, thanks to strong partnerships with top-tier reinsurers and a commitment to meticulous underwriting practices. The primary reinsurers supporting this facility are highly-rated companies, each boasting an A- or better rating from AM Best.

Dave Ingrey, the CEO of Emerald Bay, expressed his enthusiasm for collaborating with Arrowhead on this inaugural program. He highlighted Arrowhead's stellar reputation for exceptional underwriting standards and specialized expertise in environmental and social insurance. Together, they aim to introduce a risk-focused solution that addresses the growing demand for capacity in the market, laying the groundwork for a mutually beneficial partnership.

Louis DeForia, the head of commercial seismic at Arrowhead, emphasized that Emerald Bay's collaborative underwriting approach and extensive experience with top MGAs and reinsurers will drive further innovation within Arrowhead. By combining their respective strengths, they aim to streamline access to capacity for this specialized product, drawing on Arrowhead's 25+ years of experience in supporting the wholesale market.

Emerald Bay, established in March 2024 with backing from Bain Capital Insurance, is dedicated to providing tailored insurance solutions, consistent underwriting outcomes, and long-term partnerships with high-performing MGAs and leading reinsurance partners. With a solid financial foundation and an A- (Excellent) rating from AM Best, the company has positioned itself as a reliable and well-capitalized player in the risk management sector.

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