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Danish PM hit man Copenhagen Fox 11 Tri Cities Fox 41 Yakima

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen "hit" by man in Copenhagen, EU leaders condemn attack. Incident follows recent politician violence in Europe.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was reportedly attacked by a man on a Copenhagen square, according to her office. The incident left Frederiksen shocked, but further details were not disclosed. The man was arrested after the attack. This comes amidst a series of assaults on politicians in Germany and other European countries.

Witnesses described the attack as a strong shove that caused Frederiksen to fall to the side, but she did not hit the ground. The man was apprehended by men in suits shortly after the incident. EU leaders, including Charles Michel and Roberta Metsola, condemned the attack, emphasizing that violence has no place in politics.

Copenhagen police confirmed the incident and stated that they have one person in custody while the investigation is ongoing. The European Commission chief, Ursula von der Leyen, also denounced the attack as a "despicable act" that goes against European values. Danish Environment Minister Magnus Heunicke expressed shock and emphasized that such incidents should not occur in a safe and free country like Denmark.

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