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USA Basketball misses big opportunity by leaving Caitlin Clark off Olympic team

Caitlin Clark's snub from the 2024 U.S. Olympic women's basketball team highlights the lack of spotlight on international women's basketball.

Caitlin Clark - she's a polarizing figure in the world of sports. Some love her, some hate her. Some admire her Iowa roots, while others despise them. People's opinions on her can be influenced by her race, sexuality, or the media's portrayal of her. The debate rages on about whether she deserves all the attention she receives.

But one thing is for certain - if Caitlin Clark had been on the 2024 U.S. Olympic women's basketball team, it would have been a game-changer. The spotlight she commands would have shone on players who have long been overlooked by the sports media. The Summer Olympics would have been dominated by stories of Simone Biles, Katie Ledecky, and Caitlin Clark.

With Clark's undeniable star power, U.S. women's basketball would have finally received the recognition it deserves on a global scale. She would have brought unprecedented attention to the team, drawing in fans who had never watched a women's basketball game before. The international appeal of Clark would have been immense, captivating audiences worldwide.

Unfortunately, Clark won't be gracing the courts of Paris this year. Her absence means that the U.S. women's basketball team will once again be overshadowed by other Olympic sports. The decision to leave her out of the team has sparked controversy, with rumors of concerns about her popularity affecting playing time.

Despite the snub, Clark's statistics speak for themselves. She has proven herself in the WNBA, ranking among the top players in points, assists, and 3-pointers. Her impact on the league has been undeniable, setting records and making history as a rookie. Yet, USA Basketball chose to overlook her talents in favor of other players.

The disappointment of Clark's exclusion from the Olympic team is palpable. It's a missed opportunity to elevate women's basketball to new heights and showcase its talent on a global stage. The decision reflects the outdated attitudes that still prevail in the world of sports administration.

In the end, Caitlin Clark's absence from the 2024 U.S. Olympic team is a loss for the sport of basketball. Her star power and undeniable talent could have brought a new level of excitement to the Games. The decision to leave her out is a missed opportunity to promote women's basketball and showcase its best players to the world.

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