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Double shark attack: three people injured, beast lurking in shallow water

Three injured in rare back-to-back shark attack in Florida, one woman undergoes arm amputation. Swimmers warned, double red flags raised.

Last week, a rare back-to-back shark attack in Florida left three people injured, with one woman undergoing arm amputation. The incident occurred at Walton County Beaches, Florida, US, where swimmers were warned of sharks following the attacks.

The first victim suffered significant trauma to the midsection and pelvic area and had to be airlifted to a nearby hospital in critical condition. Part of her arm had to be amputated, according to South Walton Fire District Chief Ryan Crawford. The second attack, which happened less than two hours later in the Seagrove Beach area, involved two teenage girls. One teen sustained critical injuries to her arm and leg, while the other was treated for flesh wounds to her foot.

Authorities raised double red flags to warn swimmers to stay out of the water and dispatched police, firefighters, and wildlife agencies to patrol the area. The back-to-back shark attacks on the same day were deemed "highly unusual" by investigators.

Walton County Sheriff Michael Adkinson commended the quick response of bystanders at the scene and reminded the public of the risks of swimming in the ocean. He emphasized the importance of being cautious and aware of the presence of sharks in the water.

The incident in Walton County is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by sharks, with 69 unprovoked shark bites reported worldwide last year, resulting in 10 fatalities. The community is urged to exercise caution when swimming in the ocean and to be vigilant of their surroundings.

The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the potential dangers lurking in the waters and the need to prioritize safety when enjoying beach activities. As beach communities like Seagrove Beach, Sandestin, Santa Rosa Beach, Seaside, and Watercolor continue to attract visitors, it is essential for beachgoers to remain vigilant and informed about potential risks.

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