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Practical Magic 2 in the Works: Magic Realized

'90s classic Practical Magic is getting a sequel with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman returning as stars and producers. Get ready!

In exciting news for fans of the mystical masterpiece '90s movie Practical Magic, a sequel is officially in the works. Variety reported on June 10, 2024, that both Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman are currently in talks to reprise their roles as sister witches.

But wait, there's more! Not only will Sandra and Nicole be starring in the sequel, but they will also be taking on producer roles, alongside Denise Di Novi. Akiva Goldsman, an Oscar-winning screenwriter known for his work on acclaimed films such as A Beautiful Mind and The Da Vinci Code, is set to pen the screenplay for the new movie.

The news of the sequel comes hot on the heels of a midnight announcement on TikTok, which paid homage to the iconic "midnight margaritas" scene from the original film. The announcement also revealed that the original movie will be available for streaming on Max, sparking excitement among fans of Practical Magic.

While a spinoff series titled Rules of Magic was previously in the works at HBO Max, the focus has now shifted to the highly anticipated sequel. Based on Alice Hoffman's novel, the original movie follows the enchanting Owens sisters as they navigate a world of magic, romance, and sisterhood.

If you're a fan of '90s nostalgia, magical realism, and coastal New England settings, Practical Magic is a must-watch. Directed by Griffin Dunne, the film has become a beloved classic for those who enjoy a touch of the supernatural with their spooky seasons.

So grab your broomsticks and get ready for a magical reunion with the Owens sisters in Practical Magic 2!

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