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Lead investigator Karen Read murder trial forced read texts

Mass. State Trooper's text messages calling Karen Read a 'whack job' and 'cunt' take center stage in murder trial.

Karen Read's murder trial took an unexpected turn on Monday when Lt. Michael Proctor, the Massachusetts State Trooper who led the investigation into her boyfriend's death, was forced to read disparaging text messages about Read in court. In these messages, Proctor called Read a 'whack job' and a 'cunt,' making derogatory comments about her appearance and accent. He also joked about searching her phone for nude photos during the investigation.

Read's defense team argues that these texts support their theory that she was framed by police in a conspiracy to blame her for her boyfriend John O'Keefe's death in January 2022. However, Proctor maintains that these comments did not impact the investigation's integrity.

O'Keefe, a 16-year Boston cop, was found dead outside a house after a night of bar-hopping and heavy drinking with Read. Prosecutors allege that Read hit O'Keefe with her SUV and left him to die. Witnesses claim to have heard Read confess to hitting him, but her defense argues that O'Keefe was beaten up at the party and thrown outside.

Proctor's close relationship with individuals connected to the case, including homeowner Brian Albert, has raised concerns about bias in the investigation. Text messages reveal Proctor's intentions to bring serious charges against Read, leading to an internal investigation over a potential violation of department policy.

As the trial continues, questions about the integrity of the investigation and Proctor's involvement remain. The complex web of relationships and motives surrounding the case adds layers of intrigue to the already perplexing story of Karen Read's murder trial.

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