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What to know about Moelis & Company banker Jonathan Kaye: Viral video explained

Outrage sparked by viral video of man attacking woman at LGBTQ+ Pride event, investigation ongoing to determine context of incident.

The viral video of a man attacking a woman at an LGBTQ+ Pride event has left many questioning the context of the altercation. The man in question is identified as Kaye, the managing director at Moelis & Company, a prominent investment banking firm specializing in financial advice for businesses. Kaye also heads the business services division at the company, focusing on divestitures, mergers, acquisitions, and various investments.

With expertise in industrial, white collar, and technology-enabled services across different markets, Kaye previously held a similar position at Citibank's Global Mergers & Acquisitions Group. The incident took place on June 8, 2024, during Brooklyn's LGBTQ Pride festival in Park Slope. In the video, Kaye is seen allegedly assaulting an unidentified woman after the parade, causing outrage among bystanders.

As the woman fell to the ground after being punched by Kaye, witnesses expressed shock and dismay at the violent altercation. Kaye claimed that the woman had thrown something at him, justifying his actions to onlookers. Moelis & Co. responded to the incident by stating that they are taking the matter seriously and conducting an investigation into the employee's actions.

The NYPD is also aware of the video but has no official complaints filed regarding the incident. They encourage any victims to come forward and file a police report if necessary. The context of the video and the motives behind Kaye's actions remain unclear, leaving sleuths and the public puzzled about the events that transpired that night.

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