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Swanson: Lakers' next coach must not be JJ Redick, says Dan Hurley

Lakers cast a line for big fish Dan Hurley, but missed. Fans hope for assistant coaches Cassell, Borrego, Adelman, or Nori.

The Los Angeles Lakers have been on a rollercoaster ride when it comes to head coaches, with six full-time coaches coming and going since 2011. Despite their struggles, there are still plenty of coaching prospects out there waiting to be discovered.

The Lakers recently made a big play for two-time NCAA champion coach Dan Hurley, offering him a lucrative six-year, $70 million deal. However, Hurley ultimately decided to pass on the offer, leaving the Lakers empty-handed. While this may have been a disappointment, it could also be a blessing in disguise.

Instead of dwelling on their missed opportunity, the Lakers have the chance to explore other coaching candidates. Names like James Borrego, David Adelman, Sam Cassell, and Micah Nori are still available and could bring a fresh perspective to the team.

One potential candidate that fans should hope the Lakers steer clear of is JJ Redick. The pursuit of Hurley means that Redick is likely off the table, as the Lakers need to show that they have confidence in their new hire.

While hiring a coach without head coaching experience may seem risky, someone like Sam Cassell could be a great fit for the Lakers. With years of experience as an assistant coach for top teams like the Washington Wizards and the Philadelphia 76ers, Cassell has the knowledge and skills to lead the Lakers to success.

James Borrego, a product of Gregg Popovich's coaching tree, is another strong candidate. With previous head coaching experience and a deep understanding of the game, Borrego could be the missing piece that the Lakers need to succeed.

David Adelman, the son of former NBA head coach Rick Adelman, brings a wealth of experience as an NBA assistant. His offensive-minded approach and success with the Denver Nuggets make him a contender for the Lakers' coaching position.

Micah Nori, known for his witty and quotable remarks, could bring a fun and entertaining energy to the Lakers. With years of experience as an NBA assistant, Nori has the skills to navigate the challenges of coaching a team like the Lakers.

Ultimately, the Lakers need a coach who can adapt to the needs of their star players and guide the team through a period of transition. With LeBron James nearing the end of his career, the Lakers need someone who can weather the storm and lead the team to success, no matter what challenges lie ahead.

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