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Congressional Baseball Game chaos protesters storm field

Climate change protesters disrupt Congressional Baseball Game for Charity, get arrested. Group claims responsibility, delays game, and sparks controversy.

Several individuals were arrested during the Congressional Baseball Game for Charity on Wednesday night following a disruptive protest by climate change activists at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. The game, which aims to raise funds for local charities in the D.C. area, brings together Democrats and Republicans from the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

The protesters, who were chanting slogans and holding signs calling for an end to fossil fuels, managed to briefly disrupt the game before being escorted off the field by the U.S. Capitol Police. Climate Defiance, the group responsible for the protest, claimed credit for the demonstration on social media, stating that their goal was to draw attention to the issue of climate change and the role of Congress in perpetuating it.

The U.S. Capitol Police confirmed that eight individuals were arrested for their actions on the field and are facing federal charges. Despite the brief interruption, the game continued as planned, with the protesters removed from the premises.

In addition to the climate change protest, a small group of anti-Israel demonstrators unfurled a "Free Palestine" flag in the stands, eliciting mixed reactions from the crowd. This incident added to the controversy surrounding the annual charity game, which has faced scrutiny in recent years following a shooting incident in 2017.

Despite the disruptions and controversies, the Congressional Baseball Game has been a longstanding tradition since 1909, bringing together lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle for a friendly game of baseball in support of charitable causes. The event serves as a reminder of the importance of bipartisan cooperation and unity in the face of challenges and disagreements.

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