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Mississippi, Alabama doctors aid teen shark attack survivor in Florida

Mississippi doctor saves Alabama teen's life after shark attack on Florida beach. Heroic efforts praised, teen recovering well. #SharkAttackSurvivor

Dr. Mohammad Ali, an interventional radiologist with Baptist Medical Group in Jackson, was enjoying a vacation at Rosemary Beach, Florida, when a shark attacked two teens from Birmingham. Alongside Dr. Ryan Forbess of Orange Beach Family Medicine, Ali played a crucial role in saving the life of 15-year-old Lulu Gribbin, who suffered serious injuries in the incident. Thankfully, Lulu's friend who was also bitten by the shark did not sustain major injuries.

The heroic efforts of Ali and Forbess were described as miraculous by Forbess himself, who attributed the successful rescue to divine intervention. Witnessing a commotion and blood in the water, the two doctors sprang into action, with Ali applying a tourniquet to Lulu's upper leg and hand while emergency personnel assisted in the rescue. Lulu was subsequently airlifted to a Pensacola hospital where she underwent surgery.

Despite the severity of her injuries, Lulu's mother, Ann Gribbin, expressed gratitude for the medical team that saved her daughter's life. Lulu underwent amputation of her right leg to the middle of her thigh and lost her hand in the attack. She is expected to undergo several more surgeries to complete the amputations. However, Ann Gribbin remains hopeful as Lulu's condition improves and she is able to communicate.

Describing her daughter as strong, beautiful, and brave, Ann Gribbin expressed faith in God's plan for Lulu and vowed to support her every step of the way. The resilience and courage displayed by Lulu in the face of such adversity serve as an inspiration to all. The community's outpouring of support and well-wishes further highlight the strength and unity that can emerge from moments of crisis.

As Lulu continues her recovery journey, the efforts of Dr. Mohammad Ali and Dr. Ryan Forbess stand as a testament to the power of compassion and quick thinking in the face of danger. Their selfless actions have undoubtedly made a lasting impact on the lives of those they helped save that fateful day on the Florida beach.

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