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Bomb threat Pride event Newton

Bomb threat at Newton arts center almost derails drag queen story hour event, but proceeds safely with increased community support.

The drag queen story hour event at the New Art Center in Newton faced a bomb threat, but continued without incident, showcasing resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

The threat, received just before the scheduled event, stated that bombs were placed on the roof of the building and would detonate at 11 a.m. This alarming message prompted immediate action from the center's executive director, Emily O'Neil, who worked with law enforcement to ensure the safety of all attendees.

Despite the tense situation, the event proceeded as planned, with drag queen Missy Steak hosting the story hour for approximately 30 families. The presence of Newton police officers added an extra layer of security and reassurance for those in attendance.

Missy Steak, in a powerful statement, emphasized the importance of creating spaces of joy, kindness, and inclusivity, highlighting the true spirit of the event. The Cultural Access Program, which aims to provide diverse and inclusive programming, exemplified these values by offering the story hour in celebration of Pride month.

The incident at the New Art Center serves as a reminder of the ongoing threats faced by LGBTQ events and communities. Hate groups have targeted similar gatherings in the past, underscoring the need for vigilance and solidarity in the fight against discrimination and intolerance.

In the end, the resilience and unity displayed at the drag queen story hour event exemplify the power of art and community in overcoming adversity. The New Art Center remains committed to its mission of fostering a thriving, inclusive, and innovative community, where all are welcome and hate has no place.

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