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Remembering 54th Massachusetts Flag Day

Sgt. William H. Carney's heroic act of holding the American flag aloft during battle symbolizes bravery and patriotism in defense.

On a steep slope, amidst the chaos of battle, Sgt. William H. Carney of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment heard the familiar call to move forward. With sand chafing his skin and a bullet-ridden flag in sight, he bravely held the symbol of our national union aloft for half an hour on the fort's parapet.

As Americans celebrate Flag Day, we honor the sacrifices made by individuals like Carney to protect the red, white, and blue. This iconic flag represents freedom from oppression and tyranny, a beacon of hope for generations of patriots.

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry, one of the first Civil War regiments to enlist African Americans, marched proudly under the flag. Their journey from Boston to the coast of South Carolina, where they fought in the siege of Charleston, symbolized the fight for equality and justice.

When their commander, Col. Shaw, fell in battle, Carney bravely took up the fallen flag and held it high, refusing to let it touch the ground. Despite his injuries, he stood as a symbol of bravery and patriotism, embodying the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that America stands for.

In the face of danger and adversity, Sgt. William H. Carney's actions exemplified the courage and sacrifice required to defend the American flag. His legacy serves as a reminder of the enduring values that the flag represents, inspiring generations to come.

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