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American Airlines passenger duct taped seat gagged open cabin door mid-flight sued

FAA sues American Airlines passenger who tried to open plane door mid-flight, forced to be duct taped to seat.

A recent incident involving an unruly American Airlines passenger has led to a lawsuit from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The passenger, identified as Heather Wells from San Antonio, caused chaos on a flight from Dallas to Charlotte by attempting to open the front cabin door mid-flight. Despite being restrained by flight attendants using duct tape and flex cuffs, Wells continued to lash out by kicking, spitting, and attempting to bite and head-butt those around her.

The FAA has fined Wells a record $81,950 in civil penalties for her actions, and a lawsuit has been filed seeking to collect that money. The incident, which took place in July 2021, involved Wells becoming agitated after consuming alcohol and trying to exit the aircraft mid-flight. Despite the efforts of flight attendants and passengers to restrain her, Wells continued to be disruptive until law enforcement and medical responders were able to sedate her upon landing in Charlotte.

The lawsuit alleges that Wells violated federal aviation rules by attempting to access the flight cabin, threatening the flight crew, and posing a threat to passengers and staff. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of following airline regulations and behaving appropriately while traveling. The FAA's swift response to this incident underscores the seriousness of such disruptive behavior on flights.

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