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Country Bumpkins Pay Undeserving Trevor Lawrence: Ben Maller | FOX Sports Radio

Ben Maller slams Jaguars for overpaying Trevor Lawrence, calling them 'country bumpkins' for giving underperforming QB a massive contract extension.

Ben Maller of Fox Sports Radio's The Ben Maller Show recently went on a passionate rant about the Jacksonville Jaguars front office's decision to give quarterback Trevor Lawrence a hefty five-year, $275 million contract extension. Despite Lawrence's lackluster 85.0 passer rating and unimpressive 20-30 record in three NFL seasons, the Jaguars decided to invest in him for the long term.

Maller didn't hold back, calling the Jaguars brass 'country bumpkins' for overpaying for Lawrence, whom he believes has not yet proven himself worthy of such a massive payday. In Maller's eyes, Lawrence is still in the 'beta testing phase' and has not lived up to the hype that surrounded him coming out of college. He compared Lawrence to a line cook when he was expected to be a Michelin star chef, emphasizing that his on-field performance has been subpar compared to other quarterbacks in the league.

The decision to give Lawrence a huge contract extension, according to Maller, stems from a fear of missing out (FOMO) on his potential. The Jaguars may not be fully convinced of Lawrence's abilities, but they are afraid that if they don't lock him in now, he could go on to achieve greatness elsewhere. This insecurity, Maller argues, is evident in the Jaguars' decision-making and reflects poorly on the organization.

Maller's critique of Lawrence's performance and the Jaguars' front office decision-making is a bold and unapologetic take on a controversial topic in the NFL. While some may argue that Lawrence has shown promise and potential, Maller's perspective offers a critical examination of the situation, highlighting the risks and uncertainties associated with investing in a young and unproven quarterback.

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