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US State to Display Ten Commandments in Classrooms

Louisiana governor signs bill requiring Ten Commandments in schools, ACLU plans to challenge in court for violating church-state separation.

The governor of Louisiana recently signed a bill that has sparked controversy and reignited the debate over the separation of church and state in the United States. This legislation mandates that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom in the conservative state, starting in 2025. Governor Jeff Landry, a Republican, emphasized the importance of respecting the rule of law by starting from the original law given by Moses.

The bill requires the biblical text to be displayed in a large, easily readable font as a poster or framed document. However, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has indicated that it will take the case to court, arguing that the law violates the separation of church and state and is unconstitutional. The First Amendment of the US Constitution prohibits the establishment of a national religion or the preference of one religion over another.

This legislation, known as HB 71, is the first of its kind to be signed into law, although similar bills have been proposed in other states within the US "Bible Belt." The ACLU's response to this bill highlights the ongoing debate over the intersection of religion and public education in America.

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