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Cheering fans Edmonton plaza Oilers force winner-take-all Stanley Cup final

Edmonton Oilers fans ecstatic as team forces Game 7 against Florida Panthers in Stanley Cup final, aiming for historic victory.

The Edmonton Oilers brought thousands of ecstatic fans together as they dominated the Florida Panthers, setting the stage for a thrilling Game 7 in the Stanley Cup final. The crowd inside Rogers Place erupted in cheers, chanting "We want the cup! We want the cup!" as the Oilers celebrated their 5-1 victory. Outside the arena, fans gathered in the Moss Pit, named after the beloved Joey Moss, to watch the game on the big screen and celebrate with the team's victory song, "La Bamba."

The sea of fans was a mix of blue, orange, and white jerseys, with many sporting the numbers of star players like Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl. Some fans even wore hard hats and cowboy hats, while others donned Oiler-themed Star Wars storm trooper helmets. The atmosphere was electric, with fans singing, chanting, and tossing around a beach ball in excitement.

The celebration in Edmonton has been building for months, with fans eagerly awaiting a Stanley Cup win that has eluded the city since 1990. With a chance to make history by bringing the cup back to Canada, the Oilers are on the brink of a monumental victory. If they can defeat the Panthers in Game 7, they will join an elite group of teams who have come back from a three-game deficit to win the Stanley Cup.

For the dedicated fans who have supported the team through thick and thin, the message is clear: channel your inner Toronto Maple Leaf and believe that the cup is within reach. As the Oilers prepare for the ultimate showdown in Florida, the city of Edmonton is buzzing with excitement and anticipation. The dream of hoisting the Stanley Cup is closer than ever, and fans are ready to cheer their team to victory.

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