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Euro 2024 Tornado Warning, Storm Forecast, Fan Zones Closed

Severe weather warning hits Euro 2024 host cities in Germany, fanzones and services shut down, meteorologists warn of life risk.

Germany is currently experiencing severe weather warnings as the areas hosting Euro 2024 games are facing potential tornado threats. The national meteorological service has issued warnings for western and central regions, predicting supercells with severe squalls, hurricanes, and large hail. Heavy rain and isolated tornadoes are also possible.

As a result of the weather concerns, fanzones and viewing areas in Cologne, Dortmund, Dusseldorf, and Gelesenkirchen have been closed. The European Championship Rhine ferry service has also been suspended. Organisers have cancelled all events in Cologne associated with the European Championships due to the storm warning.

Meteorologist Dominik Jung has warned of a "risk to life" and advised fans to prioritize safety. He emphasized the explosive weather situation in the west and urged people to be cautious. While most regions are expected to have good weather on Wednesday, thunderstorms are possible in the south of Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria, where Germany plays against Hungary.

Fans are encouraged to stay updated on the weather conditions and take necessary precautions. The safety of everyone involved in Euro 2024 is a top priority, and it's better to be safe than sorry in such unpredictable weather conditions. Stay informed and stay safe while enjoying the excitement of the tournament.

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