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Biden Trump first presidential debate tonight Here's know

Biden and Trump face off in first 2024 election debate tonight at 8 p.m. CDT. No live audience, new rules in place.

President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump are set to go head-to-head tonight in what promises to be a riveting and historic debate, marking the first general election debate of the 2024 election season. The highly anticipated event is scheduled to kick off at 8 p.m. CDT and will be hosted by CNN at their Atlanta headquarters.

This will be the first time the two presidential candidates have shared the same stage since 2020, adding an extra layer of excitement and tension to the proceedings. The debate is expected to last 90 minutes, with two commercial breaks allowing the candidates a brief respite to gather their thoughts without any external influences from aides.

Viewers can tune in to watch the debate live on major news networks such as CNN, Fox News, ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News. For those who prefer streaming, platforms like Max, Hulu, and Peacock will also be broadcasting the event, courtesy of CNN, ABC, and MSNBC.

CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will be at the helm of moderating the debate, marking the first time a news network has taken on this responsibility. The Commission on Presidential Debates, which has traditionally overseen such events since 1987, has ceded control for this debate at the agreement of both Biden and Trump earlier this year.

Unlike past debates, there will be no live audience present tonight. Biden's campaign expressed concerns that Trump tends to feed off the energy of the crowd to dominate debates, prompting CNN to opt for a more controlled environment without any distractions. Tickets for presidential debates, which have previously been sold by the Commission on Presidential Debates for over $1,000, will not be available for this event.

In a nod to fairness, podium positions were determined by a coin flip, with Biden winning the toss and choosing the right side of the stage. Both candidates will be provided with essential supplies like a pen, notepad, and water bottle. Each campaign has pledged to abide by CNN's rules, which include no opening statements but allowing for closing statements.

The format of the debate will see candidates given two minutes to respond to questions and one minute for rebuttals. Microphones will be muted when it's the other person's turn to speak, ensuring a more orderly and structured discussion.

While CNN has not disclosed specific topics for the debate, hot-button issues such as border security, immigration, abortion, and Trump's legal troubles are expected to feature prominently. The recent controversies surrounding Hunter Biden, including his drug addiction and legal issues, are also likely to be addressed by both candidates.

This debate is taking place earlier than usual, with the second presidential debate scheduled for September 10, just 56 days before the November 5 election. The heightened anticipation and stakes of this early debate promise to set the tone for the rest of the campaign season.

As we gear up for what is sure to be a night filled with fiery exchanges and critical discussions, the eyes of the nation will be fixed on this pivotal moment in the 2024 election cycle. Let the debate begin!

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