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Tim Scott Makes Racism Claim in Trump Vice President Strategy

Senator Tim Scott suggests being considered for Trump's VP shows post-racism utopia. Trump's actions show otherwise. Black voters support Biden.

Senator Tim Scott expressed his excitement at being considered for Donald Trump's vice presidential pick during an interview on Fox & Friends. He emphasized the progress made in society, particularly in the South, regarding racial equality. Scott highlighted the importance of judging individuals based on their character rather than skin color, stating that this principle is no longer a future goal but a reality in the present.

Despite his enthusiasm to join Trump's ticket, Scott has faced criticism for aligning himself with a president who has been accused of racism. Trump's track record, including his use of Black endorsements for political gain and controversial statements on race, contradicts Scott's assertion of a post-racism utopia. Recent polls have shown that Black voters overwhelmingly support Democratic candidates, with a majority favoring President Joe Biden over Trump.

During the interview, Scott also mentioned a conversation he had with Trump following the president's controversial remarks on the Charlottesville white supremacist rally. Scott had previously criticized Trump for his response to the event, stating that his moral authority had been compromised.

The discussion between Scott and Trump highlights the complexities of race relations in America and the challenges of addressing systemic racism. Despite progress in some areas, there is still work to be done to achieve true equality and understanding among all individuals.

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