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2024 CNN Presidential Debate: Trump Celebrates Ending Roe v. Wade, Biden Seeks to Restore Abortion Rights

2024 CNN Presidential Debate heats up as Trump and Biden clash over Roe v. Wade, with Trump proud and Biden critical.

The 2024 CNN Presidential Debate kicked off with a fiery exchange between former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden over the controversial abortion law Roe v. Wade. The debate, hosted by CNN on Thursday evening, saw both candidates rehashing their positions on the issue that has divided the nation.

Trump proudly touted his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, arguing that he wanted to give states and individuals the power to decide on abortion rights. He claimed that Democrats supported abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month, a stance he vehemently opposed. Biden, on the other hand, stood firm on his support for women's rights to make decisions about their own bodies and vowed to veto any GOP abortion ban if re-elected.

The debate grew tense as Biden accused Trump of punishing medical professionals and women for seeking abortion care, a claim that the former president vehemently denied. Biden emphasized the importance of trusting women and restoring Roe v. Wade, calling Trump's actions a "terrible thing." Trump, in turn, defended his decision to overturn the law, arguing that it was a positive step towards giving power back to the states and the people.

As the debate raged on, both candidates dug in their heels, with Trump maintaining his stance on states' rights and Biden championing women's rights. The clash over Roe v. Wade underscored the deep ideological divide between the two candidates, setting the stage for a contentious and high-stakes election in 2024.

In the midst of the heated exchange, it became clear that the issue of abortion would continue to be a central point of contention in the presidential campaign. With emotions running high and tensions flaring, the debate highlighted the stark differences between Trump and Biden on one of the most contentious issues of our time. As voters prepare to head to the polls in 2024, the debate over Roe v. Wade is sure to remain a key battleground in the fight for the presidency.

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