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"New SF-thriller prequel film follows unlikely trio navigating silent alien invasion in NYC. Compelling storyline and impressive performances. Shhhh... #AQuietPlace"

After a weekend filled with original and nostalgic content at the multiplex, audiences are treated to a new installment in a popular SF-thriller franchise that is now six years old. This third follow-up is not a continuation of the last one from 2020 but rather a prequel, providing the backstory to the events of the original film. With no characters from the previous installment, this could be considered a spin-off, offering a fresh perspective on the established universe.

Set in the Big Apple, the film opens in the suburbs of New York City at a hospice facility where a senior nurse, Rueben, conducts a group therapy session for terminal residents. One resident, Sam, stands out for her blunt and unfiltered attitude, preferring to wait for the end with her cat Frodo. Rueben attempts to lift her spirits by organizing a field trip to Manhattan for a theatrical presentation, with the promise of pizza in the city. However, their outing is cut short when the city comes under attack by monstrous creatures that hunt by sound.

As chaos ensues, Sam, along with her cat and a lost British law student named Eric, navigate the silent streets of New York in search of safety. The film challenges its cast to convey emotions through non-verbal communication, harkening back to the silent cinema era. Lupita Nyong'o delivers a powerful performance as Sam, balancing fear, pain, and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds. Joseph Quinn shines as Eric, an unlikely hero who must overcome his own fears to protect Sam and find a way to survive.

Director Michael Sarnoski captures the sense of dread and destruction as the city is overrun by the alien creatures. The film's visuals, including epic set pieces of the creatures scaling buildings and chaotic street scenes, create a sense of hopelessness and despair. Amidst the carnage, Sam and Eric's budding friendship offers a glimmer of hope and humanity in the face of extinction.

A Quiet Place: Day One is a gripping and original take on the SF-thriller genre, blending action, suspense, and heart in a compelling origin story. With standout performances from Nyong'o and Quinn, the film delivers a thrilling and emotional experience that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.

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