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Kamala Harris acknowledges Biden slow start debate tries calm Democratic fears

Vice President Kamala Harris defends Biden's debate performance, highlights Trump's refusal to condemn Capitol rioters, sparking concerns within Democratic party.

During a recent interview on CNN, Vice President Kamala Harris openly acknowledged that President Joe Biden had a slow start in his debate against Donald Trump. However, she quickly shifted the focus to Biden's strong finish, emphasizing the importance of the upcoming election in November. Despite concerns within the Democratic party about Biden's fitness to lead, Harris remained steadfast in her support for the president.

In interviews with CNN and MSNBC, Harris addressed the growing panic among Democrats following the debate. She highlighted Trump's controversial remarks during the debate, including his failure to condemn the Capitol rioters and his reluctance to commit to accepting the election results. Harris stressed that the focus should be on Biden's overall performance in office, rather than just one debate.

In a heated exchange with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, Harris defended Biden's track record of bringing people together and finding common ground. She emphasized the importance of Biden's ability to work across party lines and highlighted his historic achievements during his time in office.

Harris concluded her MSNBC interview by pointing out that only one of the candidates on the debate stage had the endorsement of their vice president, a clear reference to the lack of support from former Vice President Mike Pence for Trump's reelection campaign. Pence had faced pressure from Trump to help overturn the election results, but ultimately chose not to endorse the president.

Overall, Harris remained confident in Biden's abilities and stressed the importance of focusing on his accomplishments rather than getting caught up in the drama of a single debate. She urged voters to consider the bigger picture and the impact that Biden's leadership has had on the country.

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