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Princess Anne Continues to be the Hardest Working Royal

Princess Anne's head injury forces her to take time off from royal engagements, impacting the family's official duties for 2024.

Princess Anne has been a whirlwind of royal engagements in the first half of the year, accounting for a staggering 25% of all official duties among the royals, according to a recent analysis for MailOnline. Unfortunately, her busy schedule has hit a snag as she is now recovering from a head injury sustained from a horse-related incident over the weekend, forcing her to take some time off.

This setback will result in a temporary decrease in the family's overall workload, especially with both the King and the Princess of Wales undergoing cancer treatments. Anne, known for her tireless work ethic, is expected to be out of commission for at least the rest of the week and has postponed a scheduled visit to Canada. The incident, which led to concussion and head injuries, occurred while she was walking on her Gatcombe Park estate in Gloucestershire.

The Princess Royal, known for her dedication to public service, has been a beacon of light for the Royal Family this year, stepping up when others have had to step back. With 252 engagements completed so far, she leads the pack by a wide margin, with Prince Edward coming in second at 143 engagements. Her commitment to meeting the public and traveling the country sets her apart from other royals who tend to stay within the confines of royal residences.

Despite the setback, Anne's contributions to the family's workload have been instrumental, especially in a year marked by health challenges for other family members. Her absence from official duties will be keenly felt, but her dedication to serving the public remains unwavering. As she takes time to recover, the royal family and well-wishers hope for her swift return to her duties.

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