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That 90s Show Introduces Unseen 70s Show Character After 24 Years

Leo's son Sonny, played by Kevin Smith, makes a surprise appearance in That '90s Show part 2, with exciting celebrity cameos.

That '90s Show part 2 wraps up with a bang, introducing Leo's long-lost son, Sonny, portrayed by none other than Kevin Smith. This character, previously only mentioned in That '70s Show, finally makes his on-screen debut, complete with an exciting 1990s celebrity cameo. Leo and Sonny's relationship had been strained in the past, with Leo revealing that his ex-wife had taken their children when she left him.

Throughout That '70s Show, many of the main characters' families remained shrouded in mystery. For instance, Kelso's family was barely seen on screen, and Fez's family back home was never even named. That '90s Show part 2 aims to rectify this by introducing new characters related to the original gang. In the season's finale, a previously unseen character related to Leo is finally revealed, shedding light on his mysterious past.

The final scene of That '90s Show part 2 sees Kevin Smith's Sonny crashing into the Formans' kitchen alongside his friend Bunch, played by Jason Mewes. This unexpected cameo mirrors the meta casting of Tommy Chong as Leo in That '70s Show, with both actors known for their stoner comedy personas. The introduction of Sonny adds a new layer to Leo's character and sets the stage for potential family drama in future seasons.

While Leo and Sonny's relationship appears to have improved in That '90s Show, their past remains fraught with tension. Leo's backstory in That '70s Show hinted at a broken relationship with his son, as his ex-wife had taken their children away years before. As That '90s Show continues to explore Leo and Sonny's dynamic, viewers can expect to uncover more about their complicated history.

That '90s Show brings a fresh take on the beloved '70s series, introducing a new generation of characters while maintaining ties to the original cast. Led by Leia Forman, the daughter of Eric and Donna, the show captures the essence of the '90s with humor, romance, and drama. Cameos from familiar faces keep the nostalgia alive, while new additions like Sonny bring a fresh perspective to the story. As the series unfolds, fans can look forward to more twists, turns, and surprises from the residents of Point Place, Wisconsin.

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