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US presidential debate moderators: Dana Bash & Jake Tapper

CNN's Dana Bash and Jake Tapper will moderate the June 28 presidential debate, potentially shaping how Biden, Trump, and CNN are perceived.

Dana Bash and Jake Tapper are set to co-moderate the upcoming presidential debate on June 28, a pivotal event for US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, as well as for CNN, the host of the debate. Bash, a seasoned CNN journalist, has been with the network since the early days of her career, covering everything from congressional and White House news to presidential elections dating back to 2000. In 2023, she took on the role of anchor for the midday program Inside Politics and also hosts a series called Badass Women Of Washington.

Tapper, on the other hand, began his career as a reporter for the Washington City Paper and Salon before joining ABC News and eventually CNN in 2013. He has reported from conflict zones in Iraq and Afghanistan and has a deep knowledge of political history, evident in his office wallpapered with campaign memorabilia. Tapper is known for his no-nonsense approach on air, switching between a professorial demeanor and a feisty interviewing style, as seen in his famous 2018 interview with Kellyanne Conway.

Both moderators have experience in handling debates, with Bash having questioned candidates in primary debates in 2016 and 2020, and Tapper moderating numerous primary debates for CNN, including those featuring Trump in the 2016 Republican primaries. Tapper is not afraid to cut off politicians who stray off topic or try to dominate the stage, a quality that may come in handy during the upcoming debate.

While Trump has been vocal about his disdain for Tapper, he has not directed the same level of criticism towards Bash. This could work in her favor, potentially helping to diffuse tense moments during the debate. However, given Trump's history of attacking CNN as a whole, it remains to be seen how he will interact with both moderators on the night of the event. The public will be watching closely to see how Bash and Tapper navigate the debate and how their performance shapes the perception of the candidates and the network.

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