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Rudy Giuliani Disbarred New York VINnews

Rudolph Giuliani, former NYC mayor, disbarred for spreading false claims about Trump's election loss. Court calls his misconduct "serious."

Rudolph Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City and legal advisor to Donald Trump, faced a major setback on Tuesday as he was disbarred in New York for repeatedly making false statements about Trump's loss in the 2020 election. The Manhattan appeals court made the decision to revoke Giuliani's law license, citing his blatant misuse of his position and baseless attacks on the integrity of the electoral process.

The court emphasized the severity of Giuliani's misconduct, stating that he violated fundamental principles of the legal profession and contributed to national discord following the election. Despite the ruling, Giuliani expressed little surprise at the outcome, attributing it to what he called an "activist complaint" filled with false arguments.

Having been admitted to the New York bar in 1969, Giuliani had not practiced law in court since 1992 before representing Trump in 2020. His spokesperson announced plans to appeal the decision, labeling it as flawed and politically motivated. Meanwhile, Giuliani's attorney acknowledged the disappointment but acknowledged the inevitability of the disbarment.

During hearings last October, Giuliani maintained that he believed the claims he made on behalf of the Trump campaign were true. However, the court found no evidence to support his assertions, concluding that he knowingly spread falsehoods without a legitimate basis. Despite the legal battle ahead, Giuliani's reputation as "America's mayor" has been tarnished by this latest development.

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