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Robert De Niro News & Breaking Stories

Al Pacino to Pay $30K Monthly Child Support for Son with 29-Year-Old Noor Alfallah
  • 3rd Nov 2023

Al Pacino to Pay $30K Monthly Child Support for Son with 29-Year-Old Noor Alfallah

Al Pacino has been ordered to pay $30,000 a month to his ex-girlfriend and mother of his child, Noor Alfallah. He will also pay $110,000 upfront and potentially an additional $90,000 by the end of the year. Pacino must contribute $15,000 annually to their son's education fund and cover all medical costs not covered by insurance. Despite Alfallah filing for full physical custody, they are reportedly still together. Pacino has three other children. This news comes after Pacino's co-star, Robert De Niro, also welcomed a child at an older age.

What news can we find under Robert De Niro News Section?

Understanding the News Around Robert De Niro

Are you an ardent fan of Robert De Niro? If so, then buckle up and let's delve into the world of news content pertaining to this legendary actor.

Specifically, under the umbrella topic 'Robert De Niro', we uncover a plethora of intriguing aspects. For instance, did you know that his professional career envelops more than just acting? Indeed! Taking a peek behind the curtain reveals news about him as co-founder of Tribeca Film Festival and stakeholder in various dining establishments.

His rollercoaster personal life has been brought under media spotlight too. How can anyone forget his commitment to political activism? Or how about reports on alleged disputes with exes making headlines?

Bizarrely enough, tech-related quirks around Deepfake also make part of meaningful conversations surrounding him lately. Remember when a digitally rejuvenated De Niro sparked debates across film communities?

In essence, isn't it fascinating how one 'name' yields countless narratives across diverse dimensions?

Movies - Personal Life - Ventures - Controversies: These are only few layers within this trove called 'Robert De Niro'. Pour through these topics today to truly comprehend what goes beyond those captivating performances; because there is indeed more to a person than meets eye! If you already enjoy watching Robert de Niro on screen imagine enjoying dissecting news about him off-screen too!

To End...

Exploring Robert de Nero manifests much like unravelling chapters in an engrossing novel. And guess what's common between both – Excitement never ceases! So go ahead reader: Keep exploring...and keep getting surprised!

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