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Robert De Niro appears outside New York Court House, warns of government peril if Trump wins reelection

Robert De Niro claims US government will perish if Trump is reelected, compares him to Hitler. Urges voters to stop him.

Renowned actor Robert De Niro, a long-time sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome, recently made an appearance at a press conference for the Biden campaign outside a New York courthouse. Amid closing arguments in Donald Trump's hush money case, De Niro made a delusional claim that the US government would perish from the earth if the former president were to be reelected.

In a passionate speech outside the Manhattan courthouse, De Niro expressed his concerns about the impact of Trump's presidency on the country. He criticized Trump for inciting chaos and divisiveness, accusing him of wanting to destroy not only New York City but the entire country and potentially the world. De Niro likened Trump to a terrorist and emphasized the importance of preserving the freedoms guaranteed by a democratic government.

The actor went on to reflect on the history of New York City and how it has accommodated various personalities, including Trump, in the past. He criticized Trump for his alleged lies and empty promises, accusing him of manipulating voters with outrageous claims. De Niro also accused Trump of inciting violence and threatening democracy, referencing the events of January 6th.

De Niro urged Americans to take action by voting Trump out of office, warning of the consequences of allowing him to remain in power. He emphasized the importance of upholding democratic values and protecting the freedoms that Americans have fought and died for. De Niro painted a grim picture of a potential Trump dictatorship, urging voters to prevent such a scenario by participating in the electoral process.

In his impassioned plea, De Niro highlighted the significance of Memorial Day and the sacrifices made by those who fought for democracy. He warned that under Trump's leadership, the principles of a government "of the people, by the people, for the people" would be at risk. De Niro urged voters to consider the implications of a second Trump term, emphasizing the need to prevent the erosion of democratic norms and values.

Ultimately, De Niro's message was clear: the future of the country is at stake, and it is up to the American people to ensure that democracy prevails. By voting out Trump and upholding the principles of a democratic government, Americans can protect the freedoms and rights that define their nation.

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