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Stranger Things (season 4) News & Breaking Stories

Meet Power star Michael Rainey Jr
  • 11th Jun 2024

Meet Power star Michael Rainey Jr

Actor Michael Rainey Jr. finds success in his early 20s, known for his role in Power series and other film projects.

'Game of Thrones Actor Darren Kent Dies at Age 36'
  • 16th Aug 2023

'Game of Thrones Actor Darren Kent Dies at Age 36'

Actor Darren Kent, known for his roles in Game of Thrones and Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, has sadly passed away at the age of 36. Kent's talent agency confirmed the news and expressed their condolences. Kent had appeared in various films and shows and was also a writer and director. He won the Van D'or Awards in 2012 for his performance in Sunny Boy. Our thoughts are with Kent's family and loved ones during this difficult time. Stay updated on all things fantasy and science fiction by following our Facebook page and signing up for our newsletter.

What news can we find under Stranger Things (season 4) News Section?

Unraveling the Mysteries Surrounding Stranger Things Season 4

Curious about what's bubbling under in Hawkins, Indiana? Well, you're not alone! The fever-pitch anticipation surrounding Stranger Things Season 4 is soaring by day. With Netflix finally announcing its return after a lengthy two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, all eyes are on this spectacular sci-fi series.

Digging into some juicy updates we have here: Our favorite squad of monster fighters - Mike, Eleven, Dustin, Lucas and Will - are ready for another round of action-packed adventures. And guess who's making an intriguing comeback? Hopper! Presumed dead at the end of season three,Hopper is alive , albeit imprisoned far away in snowy Russia.

The plot remains top secret just like those government experiments that keep spicing up our beloved Hawkins. What we do know so far is that it promises heart-wrenching scares as teased by Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin) himself,- saying this could be "the scariest season yet!". Could it be darker than Upside-Down itself?

We might see more new faces too – including four teenage characters and a couple of adults announced earlier this year.! Doesn’t that sound like another roller-coaster ride waiting just around corner?

If anyone thought things couldn't get stranger, Cary Elwes', portrayal of charming yet sleazy Mayor Kline teases us with "a few surprises left " for S04. Intriguing isn't it? So stay patient folks; there’s plenty brewing up under those cold dark basements in hidden labs which will send chills down your spine soon enough!

In conclusion,You better hold onto your seat because I sense big changes coming ahead! Feel pumped already? Bring out your popcorn tubs & glow-in-the-dark T-shirts - Because 'Stranger Things' S4 is going to take you on one helluva thrill ride!

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