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Ahsoka Star Wars TikTok Khaby Lame Fortnite New Season

Ahsoka Tano and Khaby Lame join Fortnite Season 4 with new outfits. Check out the trailer and get ready to unlock them.

Epic Games continues to amaze Fortnite players with their exciting collaborations. The latest season, Last Resort, introduces two new outfits that fans are eagerly anticipating: Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars and Khaby Lame, the popular TikTok user.

The announcement of these new outfits came with a stunning cinematic trailer for Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4. This trailer not only confirmed the inclusion of Ahsoka and Khaby Lame but also gave us a glimpse of their incredible outfits. You can watch the trailer below to see them in all their glory.

While Khaby Lame's arrival as a Fortnite outfit was already known, thanks to teasers from both himself and Epic Games, the trailer provides a clear look at his outfit. It is part of the Battle Pass for the new season, allowing players to unlock and showcase their love for Khaby Lame.

The other exciting addition is Ahsoka Tano, a beloved character from the Star Wars saga. Ahsoka recently starred in her own series on Disney Plus, and now she's making her way into Fortnite. Although she doesn't appear in the story trailer for Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4, Ahsoka can be seen on the far right in the general artwork of all the Battle Pass outfits. This hints that she may be a secret unlockable outfit later in the season, obtainable by completing her quests and having the Battle Pass.

As of now, we don't have specific details on how to obtain Khaby Lame and Ahsoka's outfits in Fortnite. However, we will update this news as soon as we have more information.

Fortnite Season 4 Chapter 4 is set to begin on Friday, August 25, 2023, at 3:00 AM ET. Please note that there has been a slight delay in the original time. For players in different time zones across the United States, the equivalent start times will vary.

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