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Hunter Biden Pleads Not Guilty Following Judge's Rejection of 'Sweetheart' Plea Deal Including Global Immunity

Hunter Biden pleads not guilty in tax and gun charges hearing.

The article discusses the recent court appearance of Hunter Biden in a Delaware federal courtroom. Initially, it seemed that Biden's plea deal on tax and gun charges would proceed smoothly. However, controversy arose when attorneys for House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Smith claimed that a staffer from one of the law firms representing Biden called the courthouse and had Smith's filing removed from the docket. This led to the judge demanding an explanation from Biden's attorneys and the possibility of sanctions.

The hearing began on Wednesday morning, and it became apparent after about 90 minutes that things were not going well for Hunter. The plea deal was off the table due to disagreements between the parties regarding its coverage and potential additional charges related to FARA violations. It was later revealed that no plea deal was entered, and Biden pled not guilty to the charges. Judge Maryellen Noreika expressed that she could not accept the plea agreement as it was presented, stating that it made her feel like a rubber stamp.

Sol Wisenberg, a Fox News contributor, suggested that the Department of Justice, Hunter Biden, and his attorneys were relying on Judge Noreika not asking questions before accepting the plea. He also noted that it is highly unusual for the parties not to have a clear understanding of the agreement before appearing in court. Wisenberg further revealed that part of the proposed plea agreement was that Hunter would not have to cooperate with the ongoing investigation.

The judge's refusal to accept the plea deal raises questions about what the Department of Justice did not want to disclose beforehand. It raises the possibility of a global immunity deal for Hunter, a binding plea, misdemeanor probation, or other unusual terms. Additionally, it is unclear whether U.S. Attorney Weiss and Hunter Biden's attorneys initially believed that all investigations would be completed by the time of the hearing.

As the day progresses, more information is expected to emerge regarding these developments. We will continue to provide updates as they become available.

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