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Latest Marvel News: 'Guardians of the Galaxy 3' Triumphs Disney Plus Battle, Jonathan Majors' Comeback Gains Momentum

'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3' is receiving widespread adoration, restoring faith in the MCU after 'Secret Invasion.'

The highly anticipated release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 on Disney Plus has finally arrived, and fans are rejoicing. The film has received widespread adoration, surpassing even the disappointing conclusion of Secret Invasion. This stark contrast in reception has reignited our faith in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) after one of its weakest offerings.

The past two weeks have been a rollercoaster for Disney Plus Marvel releases. The Secret Invasion finale left a sour taste in viewers' mouths, becoming the worst-reviewed MCU item to date. However, the arrival of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has been met with open arms and rave reviews. In fact, many are hailing it as one of the best MCU movies to date. This stark difference in reception mirrors the stark difference between the two releases, much like the contrast between Quantumania and Secret Invasion in theaters.

As we eagerly await the release of Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars in the Space Years 2026 and 2027, concrete plot details remain elusive. We are unsure if Jonathan Majors will continue to portray Kang in these epic events, but we do know he will return for Loki season two. However, the working titles of these films have been revealed, hinting at the original comic book storylines that will inspire Kang's rise. This gives fans some material to construct their theories around.

If you've been following the casting rumors for the Fantastic Four, you may be aware that Adam Driver was once a top contender for the role of Mr. Fantastic. However, recent information suggests that this was mere speculation, and Driver was never truly interested in the project. Another actor who was reportedly offered the role before the strikes halted production was Matt Smith. While the idea of a Morbius star entering the MCU may seem concerning, Smith could be a brilliant choice to portray Reed Richards. His previous role as Doctor Who showcased his ability to portray a socially awkward scientific genius.

The success of Loki season 2, which has already broken records, is a testament to the Marvel multiverse's enduring popularity. The ever-expanding multiverse continues to captivate audiences, so make sure you stay tuned to avoid missing out on all the excitement.

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