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Who is Jasmine Crockett? Age, education, and all about the Congresswoman as she goes viral for roasting Republicans

Texas representative Jasmine Crockett goes viral for speaking out against the inquiry into Joe Biden's impeachment, accusing Republicans of hypocrisy.

Texas representative Jasmine Crockett has gained widespread attention on the internet for her impassioned speech against the inquiry into Joe Biden's impeachment. The House Oversight and Accountability Committee initiated the investigation against Biden last month, following allegations of corruption and abuse of public office during his time as vice president under the Obama administration.

During the first hearing on September 28, 2023, Crockett, a Democrat, criticized the Grand Old Party (GOP) for turning a blind eye to former President Trump, who currently faces a staggering 91 criminal charges. She expressed her frustration with the GOP's focus on Biden's son, Hunter, and their claims of improper business dealings. Crockett emphasized that the real subject of the investigation should be the president himself.

Crockett, who represents Texas's 30th Congressional District, highlighted the lack of evidence against Joe Biden and found it disturbing that no one, including the witnesses, could identify any crimes committed by the president. She drew attention to the fact that the GOP seemed more interested in targeting Hunter Biden than addressing the actual allegations against Joe Biden.

Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Crockett attended Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, where she earned a bachelor's degree in business administration. She later obtained her law degree from the University of Houston Law Center in 2009. Crockett worked as a solo practitioner at Crockett Law, PLLC in Texarkana, Texas until January 2023.

Crockett's political career includes serving as chairwoman of the Bowie County Democratic Party in 2010 and running an unsuccessful campaign for Bowie County District attorney. In 2019, she competed against Lorraine Birabil for the Texas House District 100 seat and won the run-off. Despite being a freshman legislator, Crockett filed numerous bills during her time in the Texas House of Representatives, although none were passed.

Crockett also played a significant role as the point person for U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson during the special session on redistricting. Johnson, who retired, endorsed Crockett as her successor in Texas's 30th district.

According to her website, Crockett is committed to fighting for expanded access to healthcare, voting rights, economic opportunity, and dignity for all. She believes that the inquiry into Biden's impeachment is merely a revenge tactic by Republicans in response to Trump's own impeachment.

Crockett's colleague, Florida representative Jared Moskowitz, echoed her sentiments, noting that even the witnesses in the inquiry admitted to a lack of evidence despite eight months of investigation. Moskowitz, a former director of emergency management, compared the situation to a disaster and criticized the Republicans for pursuing baseless claims.

Moskowitz cited quotes from Republican members James Comer and Chuck Grassley, who acknowledged the lack of evidence and expressed disinterest in the accuracy of the allegations against Biden. Crockett added that Biden's only "guilt" was loving his son unconditionally and emphasized the need for concrete evidence before proceeding further.

In conclusion, Jasmine Crockett's passionate defense of Joe Biden during the impeachment inquiry has garnered attention online. She has highlighted the lack of evidence against the president and criticized the GOP's focus on Hunter Biden. Crockett's background in law and her extensive involvement in Texas politics contribute to her credibility as a representative fighting for healthcare, voting rights, economic opportunity, and dignity for all.

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